Green weights= Green is my favorite color and  feel a deep connection with the color.
Arm angle= My arm id in the shape of an "L" and that symblolizes my name - Luke
Lighting and Photo Filters= The way I chose to light and filter my photos has always been my favorite. 

Bible= Strong belief and dedication to my religion.
Watch= Symbolizes me realizing that I only have a certain amount of time to live and that I should live the best life that I can.

Weight Room= My everyday routine of working out.
White clothes= My favorite color to wear.
Flexed muscle= My dedication to becoming stronger and more physically fit.

Artist Statement:

 Backward-Looking No.2 
I just thought about what I do everyday and what shapes me as a person. And then I photographed it.

Backward-Looking No.8
I think this work does tell a story. It tells a story of what makes me, me

Inward-Looking No.10
I found the finished product very satisfying because it is very accurate to what represents me as a person.

Inward-Looking No.11  
During this project I ran into complications with the angles and lighting mostly. But in the end I got the angles that I wanted.

Outward-Looking No.26 
When other people look at these photos I want them to notice the tone and feel that I was trying to give off. I would just want them to feel the "Vibe"

Outward-Looking No.30 
I think someone might learn that I'm a pretty straight forward guy. And also that I am dedicated to the things that I love.

Forward-Looking No.32
If I could change one thing in this piece it would be the positioning of myself being the object.

Forward-Looking No.36 
A goal that I am going to set for myself for next time is to be a lot more creative with things such as lighting, angles, forms of using photoshop, and ideas.


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